The development of a business is a fantastic event to observe, especially when it is your company. And the moment you realize that you have outgrown your current office and need a new one is a motivational boost unlike any other. This is why it is important that the next step you take is one that will instill confidence. So, among other obligations that you can expect, there will be the matter of finding the right commercial movers Brazil to hire. And this is where One Moving & Logistics comes into the equation. Professionalism, efficiency, safety – these are just some of the traits you can come to expect from our international moving company Brazil.

What makes our commercial movers Brazil the right choice for your business?
Trust is an important part of any partnership – this is probably something you already know. And here at One Moving & Logistics, we make it our goal to convey trust and nurture long-term relations with our respective clients. We understand how important that next step in the evolution of your business is and how to make it a success. It is based on that fact that we went on to develop our extensive moving services Brazil. The result – our commercial movers Brazil cover all relocation needs and provide customers with optimal solutions for a productive move. The solutions we offer refer to:
- corporate moves,
- office layout planning
- assembly and disassembly of furniture
- transportation
- change of layout with specific packaging material
- corporate storage
People who think that moving home is hard haven’t done any commercial moving. Only those who have to do it – such as your esteemed self – have to handle all the hard work. Or do you? Luckily for you, we’ve come to the rescue! One Moving will make your commercial moving a whole lot easier with our new approach to monitoring the entire process! So, how do we do it, you may ask? Well, let’s explain it step by step, shall we?
Commercial moves can be complex unless you hire us
The reason why commercial moving so difficult is because there are a lot of wildly different things that can be found throughout the workplace. Hardware, papers, tables, chairs… Luckily, One Moving & Logistics can do it without problems or hassle. You see, it’s very hard to compile all of this stuff in a single neat package that you can easily haul into a truck. Corporate relocation requires strategic organization and a great deal of planning in advance. That’s why we’re here!
The first step we take is to plan the journey
When it comes to commercial moving, it’s extremely important to plan ahead. So One Moving will help you plan out your move according to your needs. For example, if you need to start working immediately, as soon as we unpack, not only will we help you unpack, but we will also establish a priority when unpacking, so you can resume your business in a different location as soon as you arrive. For example, you’re moving from point “A” to point “B”. Once One Moving & Logistics arrives with your stuff at point “B”, we:
- Take out the sensitive material;
- Put the tables and chairs together;
- Bring the hardware out;
- Bring the office supplies.

At that point, you can resume work. Only after that will we bring out the other details, which are important, but not necessary for work, such as drapes and office decoration.
When doing commercial moving, One Moving & Logistics gives computer hardware special treatment
Commercial moving always requires moving computer hardware. Every business today has at least a single computer and/or another form of hardware, if not several. You may be tempted to ask what the problem with computer hardware moving is. Well, it’s sensitivity. In other words, the hardware businesses use is vulnerable to:
- Moisture – it can make the components short-circuit
- Parts of it are easily breakable, such as screens, motherboards, and printers
- Other forms of damage
For that very reason, our corporate movers Brazil offer special protection to your sensitive data, which is stored in your sensitive hardware. We take special precautions to make sure that nothing goes amiss.
During your business relocation, we will disassemble and reassemble whatever you need
Technically speaking, One Moving & Logistics can move anything. But some things should be moved in pieces. One obvious example is found in computers. A computer case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse are extremely difficult to move together. For that reason, we will mark each of those before we disassemble, and pair it together doing reassembly. Our commercial movers Brazil will do this with extreme care and precision, knowing how easily these things break. Chairs and tables are, of course, much easier to handle.
One Moving & Logistics offers special commercial packaging services

Computers are not the only items that can get hurt, so to speak, during commercial moving. The special packaging also encompasses stuff like papers – an office can never have enough of those. It doesn’t matter what industry or branch you come from, we have you covered from beginning to end. Our service is tailored to suit your needs, no matter if you’re a:
- Corporation;
- Non-government organization;
- Government agency, or;
- Any organization in general.
We can pack your entire business in such a way that you can freely and safely resume your business as soon as you arrive.
In order to track all your belongings, our commercial movers Brazil will label everything
If you’re, for example, moving cubicles, you will have lots of equipment, which can get mixed up during the moving. If you, for example, have Mark, John, and Stacy working on separate computers, with separate hard disks and custom software, you will want to label it, so Stacy won’t end up working with files that John should be working on.
Commercial moving is an integral part of what we do. Whatever you need, we can do it. It doesn’t matter what your industry is. So why don’t you hire reliable office moving experts and enjoy your stress-free commercial moving?
One Moving can also help you set up your new interior
Maybe you liked your previous office interior, but you could also be yearning for something entirely new. If that is the case, you won’t have to call an interior designer, ‘cause we have those, too! You see, if you’re looking to refresh your working environment, all you need to do is hire our commercial movers Brazil. So, how do we do that?

Well, first and foremost, you consult us on what kind of office do you want? Do you want something fresh and modern, or something along traditional lines? Then we get to the specifics – do you want rows or cubicles? Do you want employees facing each other during work? In a circle, maybe? Or do you want each of them to have their own working space? What are the colors you want? Olive green? Red? Blue, maybe? All of this and more is something that we can do in order to refresh your working environment!
Secure the best for your business in Brazil
And most importantly, One Moving & Logistics will maintain order during your move. You see, our commercial movers Brazil have years of extensive training and experience to prepare them for any moving and storage challenge they are confronted with. This is why we are the best at what we do. Efficiency, affordability and above all – absolute professionalism.