So, you’ve decided to move, and you’ve prepared the money. However, you’re still worried. You’ve heard stories online how moving companies love to rack up moving costs and you’re wondering if you’ve done everything right. Well, fear not. One Moving & Logistics is here to help you avoid hidden moving costs. All you need to do is follow several simple steps:
#1: Put everything in boxes – and we mean everything
You generally pack belongings so you could keep them safe, right? And you also have stuff that doesn’t need packing. For example, you’ve put your extra clothes in a plastic bag. Now there’s a big mistake. The moving company has decided, that since you haven’t packed it, they will do it for you – and, of course, charge you extra. „Look it up,“ they say, „it’s right there in the contract that you’ve signed“. And then you take a look at it, and, go figure, you’ve failed to avoid hidden moving costs. Which brings us to our next point…
#2: To avoid hidden moving costs, read the contract!
So, you know very little to nothing about the company itself or the moving services they offer, but it’s the only one near you. Monopolies are never a good thing (unless it’s the board game we’re talking about) because companies tend to take advantage of the market once they’re at the top. You know all this, of course, and you know that the company will try to get the most out of your budget. So, they offer you a contract. It’s chock-full of doublespeak, specific terms and obfuscations.
Now, before you take that offer and “throw it out the window”, thank them for the effort and ask for a few days to think about it. Attempt to find and contact a different long distance moving company. And if you can’t do it, find a legal expert. This costs money and is very time-consuming but so is dealing with fraudulent companies or trying to avoid hidden moving costs.
#3: Believe it or not, some hidden costs are totally unrelated to moving companies
You heard it right. Some costs have nothing to do with the company itself, but the location from and to which you’re moving. To avoid hidden moving costs, there are certain things you must be aware of.
Avoid hidden moving costs by knowing what they are
- Car insurance costs: these can vary from location to location. These vary on the number of accidents and driving habits, as well as cars being driven. This, again, depends on median income. If you have a collision in a high-income area, it will more likely be with an expensive car brand, which hikes the insurance cost a lot;
- Parking space: higher insurance costs mean higher parking fees. To avoid hidden moving costs, inform yourself thoroughly. These can cost up to several hundred dollars a month. This doesn’t matter even if you’re Bill Gates, but if you were, then you probably wouldn’t be reading this article;
- Healthcare insurance: if you’re moving to a location with universal healthcare, such as France, Germany or Canada, you’re good to go. If you’re moving to the US, or inside the US, well, you may find yourself in a tough spot. The problem is, there isn’t a single health care company that has a license in all 50 states. Healthcare tariffs vary by state, and some procedures are covered in some states and not in others;
- Contract penalties: you see it as moving, your country club sees it as ducking out of a contract. They will want a hefty fee before you move, otherwise, you’re eligible for a lawsuit. Others might be more understanding and may demand some proof that you’re actually moving before they let you break the contract. In both cases, look at your membership contracts or, even better, inform them on time.
- One more thing you have to do to avoid hidden moving costs is to consult with your bank. They may not have an office in the area that you’re moving to. This means that, unless you close your bank account once you move or even before, they’ll hit you with maintenance costs. Do not forget to pay your bills on time, otherwise, you might get some massive overdraft fees though.
#4: Some companies just aren’t worth it
So, the employees are coming, you’ve prepared everything, but then you see that they’re coming in a truck they’ve obviously rented. It doesn’t bear the logo of the company, it’s in terrible shape and you’re wondering if it’s due to break down today. Already a sign of moving fraud. You see the employees are rushing to get everything done and aren’t being particularly careful. You suspect they’re being paid by the job, not by the hour.
This means that they will likely do a shabby job. If that is the case, remind them that their contractual obligation is not to damage anything. Assuming, of course, that the contract you’ve signed is as clear as day. If they do manage to damage something or break the contract in any way, do not hesitate to tell them to go away.
#5: To avoid hidden moving costs, research companies near you
Prevention is better than a cure, and you know it. You need to plan ahead and make your pick among several moving companies in your area. If there aren’t, this means extra costs – fortunately, not hidden ones. If there’s competition between several companies, you know that they will try to out-do each other because they vie for the customer’s favor. They may offer lower prices, but they may also offer higher-quality services. This means that there will be fewer items destroyed on the way.
The best you can do is to seek a high-quality moving company through user reviews. Testimonies from your friends or acquaintances will also do you much good. No matter what you do, make sure that you verify what other people have said, and mind the red flags such as lack of contact number, email, or lack of internet presence in general. That being said, staying informed will get you a long way!