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Image of an airplane that can be the one taking you to your new home

How to prepare for an international move

Brazil is a vast country and significant portion of our countrymen never get to travel abroad, let alone move to a different country. Still, in case you need to, how do you prepare for an international move?

Grab a map and start making a to-do list while you prepare for an international move.
To prepare for an international move, grab a map and start making a to-do list

Prepare documents

First things first, make sure you’ve got your paperwork sorted out. It is not uncommon for Westerners to take ability to enter a country for granted. Therefore, get familiar with whether you need a visa or not.  If not, find out for how long you can stay in a country without getting one. For example, an American may enter European Union without a visa and stay there for 90 days. However, in order to stay there longer, one must apply for a visa of a certain type and be issued one. In case you are refused or haven’t applied for one at all, you will have to leave EU.

Visa, work permits and residency are three things that should be on top of your to-do list when you need to prepare for an international move. And just in case, make a copy of every document you have, at least one hard copy and a scan. Good practice is mailing such documents to yourself. This way, wherever you are, you will easily reach them.

Find accommodation when you prepare for an international move

Depending on whether you are moving for work purposes, or simply because your desire to live somewhere else is overwhelming, you need a safe place to stay for at least the first few weeks or even for a couple of months. Therefore, make sure you book a hotel or a hostel online prior to departure. This will give you a steady basis to look for permanent housing. Also, make sure you have enough money on you to pay for the first and last month’s rents, plus security deposit. Once all of these are done, you’re all set to move on.

Get familiar with local customs

Moving to Italy will be far different from moving to Kazakhstan for example. Try to find as much information as possible about the place you are going to. Search for dress code, customs, cuisine and what to be aware of as well. By collecting as much data as possible it will be easier to prepare for an international move and you will minimize the possibility of  being caught off guard in everyday situations.

Marketplace - a native-speaking environment can help you learn a new language faster.
Learning language and customs will help you manage your daily chores

Learn local language

While you’re getting familiar with local culture, it is a good idea to enroll a course of local language. It is easier to learn a language while learning about country’s culture. Thus, you might as well learn both in the same time. Furthermore, learning local language will help you with your daily tasks and activities such as communicating with taxi drivers and salesmen, but also making your way around the city as well.

Sort out your wardrobe

While you may be changing continents and moving your home, you still don’t need to bring all of that amazing clothes with you due to several reasons:

Sort out your wardrobe before packing
You won’t need all of your stuff, so choose carefully what you’re taking with you


  • Your clothes may not be in accordance with local dress code
  • It may prove to be too hot or too cold for them were you’re going to
  • Space in your suitcase can be put to a better use
  • This is a globalized world, you’ll get new, similar, ones almost anywhere you go

Find school for your children

In case you are moving with kids, especially when you need to prepare for an international move, it is of utmost importance to decide which school to enroll them in prior to relocating. Firstly though, ask their current school to prepare copies of school records, transcripts and certificates the kids have obtained. This should be a no big deal, but it can take some time.

It is a good practice to make a shortlist of desired schools. Once you’ve done that, make a trip to that city to check schools out in person. This will give you an opportunity to see the school for what it is rather then trust in its webpage. After this trip, shorten the list and perhaps organize another visit to those schools that made the cut. However, this time, bring your kids with you. Maybe they’ can help you make the choice.

Health insurance

As a foreigner you may find seeing a doctor quite expensive, especially if you’re suffering from a chronic disease. Check with your new employer if he is going to provide health insurance for you and your kids. If he’s not going to, then get it sorted out before the move.

What about your current home?

Have you thought about what you’re going to do with your current home? There are a few options to choose from depending on whether you’re renting or you are the owner.

If you are the owner

  • rent your home to someone else while you’re away – they can transfer the rent to your bank account, you may even make some money while you’re away
  • sell
  • leave it to relatives for safekeeping
  • cancel utilities and leave it empty, but beware, unused houses and apartments quickly deteriorate

If you’re renting

  • sublets are always a good idea if you’re not staying for long
  • cancel the lease  – this can be tricky in case you’re bound by a contract to stay in the apartment for an agreed period of time

Contract a reliable moving company to assist you with your move

It is very important to make sure someone has your back when you’re preparing for an international move. Therefore, once you’ve made a list of what needs to be done, look for a contractor to help you with the move itself. It is good practice to contract a dedicated moving and storage company Brazil while you’re in the process of preparing for the move. Given the fact that they are professionals, they may see things from a different angle and give you heads up on potential mistakes you might make.

Whatever obstacle you encounter in this process, just keep your head up high. While it can be a drag to prepare for an international move, look into the bright future. It is a decision that will put you in a position to get to know the world in a way that a really small percentage of people on this Earth does. Now, isn’t that gold?